Large skirt one piece Large skirt one piece

Large skirt one piece


Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to the Large Skirt One Piece! *cue applause* This product is perfect for those of you who want to rock a skirt and a one piece at the same time. It's like a mullet, business in the front and party in the back. *wink* But wait, there's more! This skirt is made of polyester, which is fancy talk for 'it won't wrinkle easily.' And the fabric composition is nylon, or as I like to call it, 'the material that makes you look like a goddess.' *hair flip* Now, here's the catch. Asian sizes are smaller than European and American sizes. So if you're used to being a medium, you might want to size up. Don't worry, we've got a size chart to help you out. And if you're still confused, just hit up our customer service. They're like the Google of fashion. Oh, and one more thing. The color of the actual item may vary slightly from the images because, you know, computers and their funky display colors. But trust me, this skirt is still going to make you look like a million bucks. So go ahead and add this Large Skirt One Piece to your cart. You won't regret it. *mic drop*